This episode will review topics from Uncovering the Colossal Censorship Hack from Russia - #RussianCensorFiles Part 1 including the Belarusian Cyber Partisans and Distributed Denial of Secrets Collective. It then delves into the actual hacked Russian government (General Radio Frequency Center/Roskomnadzor) datasets showing both original and translated emails, documents, reports, Excel workbooks and more.
I speak with Yuliana Shemetovets of the hacktivist group Belarusian Cyber Partisans. We discuss who/what Cyper Partisans are, their actions in Belarus and #RussianCensorFiles. Yuliana also speaks about Belarusian opposition, Russian AI technology used for censorship and more. Yuliana's Twitter: Cyber Partisans Telegram: VICE article cited in discussion:

Episode one of three. This episode will introduce audiences to both the Belarusian Cyber Partisans and Distributed Denial of Secrets Collective. These groups participated in and store one of the largest hacks/leaks of Russian government data regarding censorship. These groups have been called the successor to Wikileaks yet very little has been reported on them in the West. This is especially true for anti-imperialist, anti-censorship and "anti-war" groups on the internet. This episode also covers reporting that has occurred mostly from eastern European outlets. Topics in the leak to be censored range from anti-war protests to the use of artificial intelligence and ocular technology for automating censorship. Cyber Partisans Telegram: DDoS page/wiki:
Sources: Most articles found here under Research Also:

This video is an overview for the concepts, individuals and ideologies behind pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. This is geared toward a western audience to help counter propaganda and provide information that is often omitted.
Sources (vk/Facebook/Twitter) Foundations of Geopolitics by Alexander Dugin Kyiv International Institute of Sociology Russian March in Donetsk on November 4, 2013 (video) - gubarev_pavel — LiveJournal https://spps-jspps.autorenbetreuung.d...

I speak with Renee Johnston about #RageAgainsttheWarMachine. This video provides critique from multiple angles including organizationally, financially, ideologically and politically/socially. I rely heavily on past videos so please check those out. Find Renee on Twitter at @@RJohnston815 Also check out @BowdenOnBass series of articles on Rage Against the War Machine here: Renee provided me with this source as well:

This video delves into the origins of modern rightwing conspiracy by examining the historical foundations for which they are based upon. I make the argument that conspiracy has long since merged with social, paramilitary and political manifestations on the right. The root of this world view is found within antisemitism. The Christian Identity movement is vital for understanding messages of "small government" and "low taxes" as key players "specifically William Potter Gale" leveraged historical antisemitic conspiracy in creating new organizations from the 1950's-1980's. In that period of time anti-communism, desegregation and tax protest were merged with conspiracies that had previously been relegated to small Christian Identity congregations. I argue that it is from this era "Specifically 1950's-1970's" modern MAGA style Republicans draw from. This video bridges the gap between the proto-militias and political organizations from that time period to the Patriot and Militia movements of the 1990's. These movements later influenced a revival of militias and populism from the right in the form of the Tea Party movement and creation of the Oath Keepers. This political legitimizing of extremism made MAGA and ultimately Jan. 6th possible. The conspiracies that were initially developed from individuals such as Bill Gale have become populist, mainstream language for the right and certain aspects of the internet left (Dirt bag left, anti-imperialists)
Sources: "The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right" by Daniel Levitas. "Religion & The Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement" by Michael Barkun. "The Red Pill" Unknown. BREITBART: Anti-Semitism in The United States in 1947: Mystical Anti-Semitism and the Christian Identity Movement: A Narrative Criticism of Dan Gayman's "The Two Seeds of Genesis 3:15: Christian Nationalism and the January 6th, 2021 Insurrection Lee Atwater’s infamous 1981 interview on the Southern strategy: The Oath Keepers Data Leak: Unmasking Extremism in Public Life: Sheriff Leonard: Deputy’s Oath Keeper activity is 1st Amendment issue: Former Oath Keeper Has Trained Texas Law Enforcement From More Than 80 Departments: Chesterfield sheriff says deputy was member of Oath Keepers: A Guide to the New Militia Movement: Soros, ‘Cultural Marxism’ and QAnon: How the GOP Is Energizing and Entrenching Antisemitism in America: Tea Party Boise Backs Nullification: Christian Identity's New Role On The Extreme Right: More on website:

Check out Varn Vlog here: We discuss 19 century populist movement and parties such as the Grangers and Populist Party. This leads to more modern interpretations of populism with critique and criticism provided.

Eric Draitser of CounterPunch meets with me to address my many questions regarding the modern Left, anti-imperialism, Syria and Ukraine. Eric elaborates on topics including Alexander Dugin, BRICS, multipolarity, NATO and more. Relevant Links: Eric's Patron: Eric Draitser is creating podcasts, audio commentaries, writing | Patreon Eric's work at CounterPunch: Eric Draitser, Author at Eric's Twitter: Eric Draitser (@stopimperialism) / Twitter
Ukrainian Folk Tales: An Anti-Colonial Perspective: Ukrainian Folk Tales: An Anti-Colonial Perspective -
Vladimir Lenin The Right of Nations to Self-Determination: Lenin: The Right of Nations to Self-Determination (
Putin: Lenin's political mistakes created a 'time bomb' in Russia - Daily Mail: Putin: Lenin's political mistakes created a 'time bomb' in Russia - Daily Mail - YouTube Marx & Engles Ireland and the Irish Question: ireland.pdf ( How Alexander Dugin’s Neo-Eurasianists geared up for the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2005-2013: How Alexander Dugin's Neo-Eurasianists geared up for the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2005-2013 - Euromaidan Press Western Imperialism and the Role of Sub-imperialism in the Global South 13 January 2021 by Patrick Bond , Ana Garcia , Miguel Borba: Résultats de la recherche - CADTM

A discussion with Daphne Lawless from Fightback! We talk about a series of articles found here:The Red-Brown “zombie plague” PART ONE – FightBack (This article contains links to others) which investigates right-wing/fascist creep into left spaces. These articles describe how Trump/Brexit, Syria, Covid and now Ukraine have been weaponized via conspiracy and other ideologically bankrupt means (such as campism) to interject reactionary politics into traditionally left spheres. We also touch on other related topics including a general despair with modern politics, globalization vs. reactionary globalist critiques and a need for internationalist solidarity and empathy for victims of all imperialism. Daphne's site: Daphne Lawless Daphne mentioned this article in the discussion: An Investigation Into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, And The Western Left |

Special guest Rob from The Right Podcast (@TheRightPodcast) returns to tell Jack all about Stewart Rhodes and The Oath Keepers - seen like a rash all over American fascist activity from Ferguson to January 6th - with special attention to their deep roots and influences in the Tea Party explosion of the Obama era, the John Birch Society tradition, the Ron Paul Revolution, the Bundy saga, Waco and Ruby Ridge, and the US far-right tradition generally. Show Notes:
Please consider donating to help us make the show and stay ad-free and independent. Patrons get exclusive access to at least one full extra episode a month plus all backer-only back-episodes. Daniel's Patreon: Daniel Harper is creating research into the world of Nazis. | Patreon Jack's Patreon: Jack Graham is creating Criticism, Analysis, Essays, Podcasts | Patreon
IDSG Twitter:(1) I Don't Speak German Podcast (@idsgpod) / Twitter Daniel's Twitter: @danieleharper
Jack's Twitter: @_Jack_Graham_ IDSG on Apple Podcasts: I Don't Speak German on Apple Podcasts

Vyacheslav Likhachev is a historian, journalist, political scientist, and social activist. He holds a Ph.D. in History from the Moscow Lomonosov University, and graduated from the Jewish University in Moscow, Russia. As Research Fellow, he worked at Jewish University in Jerusalem, Central European University in Budapest, and Warsaw University, Poland. Taught at Jewish University in Moscow, Moscow State University, International Solomon University (Kyiv, Ukraine), and at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine). Head of the "Analytics" Program (Eurasian Jewish Congress, EJC), and of the National Minorities Rights Monitoring Group. Since 2008, Chief Editor of the official EJC website. His research interests include ethnopolitical conflict studies, xenophobia on the post-Soviet space, ideology and activity of far-right groups in Russia and Ukraine, political extremism, theories of nation and nationalism, history of anti-semitism, activity of Jewish communities on post-Soviet space, and inter-confessional relations:
Krytyka Euromaidan SOS: honest answers to the most common questions about AZOV in the West Euromaidan SOS: honest answers to the most common questions about AZOV in the West - Euromaidan SOS: honest answers to the most common questions about AZOV in the West - Центр Громадянських Свобод (
The Far Right in the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Far Right in the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine ( Right-wing extremism in Ukraine: the phenomenon of ”Svoboda” brocshura_block.indd ( The “Right Sector” and Others: National Radicals and the Ukrainian Political Crisis of Late 2013 – Early 2104 Since publication of this video Vyacheslav has been featured in a @Newsweek article: In this video/audio Introductions Ukrainian Nationalists vs Modern Ukraine (Nation building, OUN, formation of modern Ukraine.) Weakening of the far right in Ukraine. Propaganda directed at Ukraine (Maidan to Russian invasion) Yanukovych’s rule and loss of electoral support for the far right. Far right street crime and violence. Impact of Russian invasion on the Ukrainian far right. Azov Battalion.

A playlist of three videos. Video one discusses the history, structural and informal obstacles to third party success. The next two discussions are from pro-Democrat and pro-third party voices. Greg Fields @groove_sdc on Twitter and Renee Johnson Is Your Life Better? | Renee | Substack @RJohnston815 on Twitter.
A Quick Reaction to Vladimir Putin's Speech regarding recent referendums and annexation of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzia, and Kherson. Apologies for audio quality partially due to quick turnaround.hnston815 on Twitter.

This video utilizes data reaching back to 2001 from the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology to put the voices of actual Ukrainians front and center. Too often discussion regarding Ukraine ignore the voices of Ukrainians in favor of geopolitical or ideological discussion. The findings from these polls "which include occupied areas of Donbas" are surprising and do not align with western media tropes whether it be legacy media or alternative media personalities such as Max Blumenthal (The Grayzone) Glenn Greenwald, Alex Rubinstein, Jackson Hinkle et al, Time stamps in description.5 on Twitter.
Jimmy Dore, Syrian and Covid conspiracies, conflict in Ukraine, The People's Party and Alexander Dugin are all used to examine modern left, right or red, brown alliance as discussed on I Don't Speak German Episode 113.

Oliver Stone's faux documentary "Ukraine on Fire" has been wildly influential for alt-imperialists, Russia propagandists and contrarian grifters. I created this video to correct and add context to many of the biased and at times flatly inaccurate themes in this movie. This is not intended to be an attack against Oliver Stone but instead informational to those who might have taken this movie at face value. Providing context and seeking truth does not equal advocating for existing options. This is not a hit piece, a pro-western piece, a pro-NATO/EU piece or anything else other than a critique of a deeply flawed propaganda film. Time stamps in description.

The Right Podcast conducts deep dive research into rightwing extremism and politics to provide context and a basis of knowledge to viewers. At the time of this video creation and publishing there are no monetary incentives or ads. This is purely informational. This deep dive investigates National Bolshevism beginning in theory and history by using primary and secondary source material such as Karl Otto Paetel's National Bolshevist Manifesto. Moving chronologically from the German school of thought we explore the history of personalities involved in the Russian National Bolshevik Party. The writings of Eduard Limonov are displayed, and an overview of the party provided. This transitions to Alexander (r) Dugin who is a pivotal individual to this discussion. Dugin's primary works, Foundations of Geopolitics and The Fourth Political Theory, are summarized. Dugan provides a bridge to modern, US alt-imperialists via Caleb Maupin. Caleb has coopted much of Dugin's theory and repackaged it in an anti-imperialist aesthetic. The discussion then branches out into red/brown media alliances, Jackson Hinkle, Glenn Greenwald, LaRouche, The Grayzone, Haz from infrared, Seemera Kahn etc. Time stamps in description.

Nazism in Ukraine, specifically regarding the Azov Battalion, is all over media platforms. However, the Russian extremists and neo-Nazis who have played a major role in separatist movements of Donbas (Donetsk & Luhansk) Ukraine are often left out of the discussion. This video investigates Russian extremist groups and their impact on separatist movements in Ukraine. Time stamps in description. Associated article.

This video explains all sides of the trucker protest beginning with Covid policy changes to media spin, organizers and outcomes. The video includes 1) Overview (Key Events/People & Political/Media spin) 2) Origins & Organizers (2019 United We Roll Convoy, Event/GoFundMe organizers for 2022 Freedom Convoy, Fundiing) 3) Participants (People on the ground, general grievances, arrests.) 4) Conclusions (Fact/Opinion, Grassroots/Astroturf, Moving Forward)
Ever wonder how we as a country have gotten to a place where mainstream political party candidates like Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Greene can post images of themselves with guns above text demonizing their opponents? Jim Adkisson is a part to this story but one that largely goes untold. Adkisson is a pivotal figure in the critique of right wing media and political extremism. This video discusses Adkisson's hate driven shooting spree facilitated by right wing media. It also discusses prominent figures in this space such as Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Bill O'Reilly. Contemporary figures such as Tim Pool are also included. The video finishes with inspiring survivor stories including collaboration with Parkland teens and Sandy Hook parents to condemn gun violence and conspiracies spread by right wing media personalities such as Alex Jones.

Jim Adkisson is a resentful, hate filled man who went on a shooting spree motivated by his life failures and right-wing hate speech. Adkisson murdered two people and injured six others. Adkisson left a manifesto that explicitly stated why he killed. Adkisson's reasons included his hatred of minorities, homosexuals and Democrats. Police found numerous books from right wing personalities in his house after the shooting. The Adkisson case provides a glimpse into the world of white male resentment that has fueled the rise of right-wing media. Right-Wing media personalities such as Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are discussed. Two-part audio.